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How to judge the quality of air filter element ?

The quality of the air filter mainly depends on the following three aspects:

(1) Waterproof performance;

(2) Filter precision;

(3) Air permeability.

The detection is as follows:

(1) Water test. Place the air filter flat on the ground or on a table, and sprinkle some water on the filter paper;

(1) If the filter paper seeps water within 5 minutes, it is an air filter made of cotton pulp paper (inferior filter paper);

(2) If the filter paper seeps water for 2-5 hours, it is made of low-grade wood pulp paper and can be used, but it will reduce the gas production efficiency of the air compressor (more power consumption and more gas production);

(3) If 12-15 sees water, it belongs to mid-grade filter paper;

(4) If the water does not penetrate in 24 hours, it is a high-grade filter paper.

(2) Look at the light to see whether the filter paper is uniform, whether the light transmittance is good, and whether the surface finish of the filter paper is good. The reaction is the filtration accuracy and air permeability.

(3) Look at the depth and fold of the filter paper. If the filter paper is deep and the number of folds of the filter paper is large, it means that the filter area of the air filter is large.

For users with particularly bad environment, it is best to clean the air filter once a day, and replace the air filter every 500-800 hours; for customers with moderate environment, clean the air filter every 3-7 days, and replace the air filter every 1000-1500 hours; for customers with good environment, 1500-2000 Change the air filter every hour.



Contact: Sunny

Phone: 18790023620

Tel: +86 18790023620

Email: info@filterreplace.com


Add: Tiantan Road,Huling Industrial Zones,Jiyuan ,Henan ,China

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